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You can check the status of your order following the link:
In order details you will be able to check status of each item. Below you will find meaning of each status:
IN PROGRESS – item is being processed
IN PRODUCTION – item needs to be produced. Order sent to our production department
PRODUCTION IN PROGRESS – Production department started production of ordered items
PRODUCTION COMPLETED - production of ordered items has been complete. En route to our processing department
READY FOR SHIPMENT – received by processing department and added to the order
RESERVATION – item reserved – awaiting shipment
SENT – item shipped
Yes, we ship worldwide.
Yes, we can separate the shipment and ship all available items first.
Remaining items, once they’re completed, can be combined with your next order or shipped separately.
Separate shipping will require additional shipping charges.
Shipping costs are calculated according to the ordered quantity and depending on the shipping method you choose.
To check estimated shipping cost, add desired items to the cart and proceed to the checkout.
Before order confirmation, you will be able to check available shipping options and cost.
Delivery time depends on the carrier. Please check provided tracking number with the courier.
If tracking number was not received, please check spam folder or contact us via contact form below.
You can add the desired items to your cart and follow to the checkout. All prices and available rebates are visible without registration.
In order to place an order, you will need to create an account, so we can communicate with you regarding your order.
Order processing time is usually completed within 1 business days.
If all items are in stock it will be shipped immediately.
If any of items are sold out, we will need to produce them.
Production is arranged immediately and starts ASAP. Once the order is complete, we will ship your goods with the delivery method of your choice.
Please note that products with galvanic plating will require 1-2 additional business days to be processed.
Our default unit of measure are grams. All the products are sold by weight only and number of pieces is for information purposes only and might vary.
Number of pieces might slightly change, depending on production lot and size of the order. For this reason, you can receive few more or less pieces.
All the discounts are automatically calculated on the website according to the ordered quantity per item.
Available rebates are shown on each product page and are calculated automatically when products are added to the cart.
Yes. We produce custom items.
To ensure the privacy of your designs, once they’re added to our offer, you will be able to see them in "My projects" section but only if you are logged in to your account. At the same time, we want to underline, that if there are common symbols used in Your individual project, our company cannot guarantee that they will not appear in our regular offer in the future.
There are two methods of starting the custom project:
- "Price quotation" - please use this method if you have your design in vector file (i.e. ai, eps, svg, pdf) and you would like to find out estimated cost and available rebates for your custom design.
- "Design with price quotation" - please use this option if you don’t have vector file. Our designers can use i.e. your hand drawing to create your design in vector file, which is need it to receive price quotation.
Most likely yes.
Please use our contact form and let us know which product you are looking for.